T-38 Aircraft Support Equipment Parts

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Part Number
ABS RULES Structural Angle
ASTM A36 Structural Angle
ASTM A36 Structural Angle
MIL-S-22698 Structural Angle
QQ-S-741 Structural Angle
QQ-S-741 Structural Angle

Support Equipment, T-38 Aircraft

Picture of T-38 Aircraft Support Equipment

Marine Wing Support Squadron 372 (MWSS 372) is an aviation ground support unit of the United States Marine Corps. Known as the "Diamondbacks", they are based out of Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. The squadron falls under the command of Marine Aircraft Group 39 and the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing.

Provide all essential Aviation Ground Support (AGS) to Marine Aircraft Group 39 and all tenant and transient units of Marine Corps Air Station, Camp Pendleton. Staff detachments to support Marine Air Ground Task Force Units on operational commitments around the world.

The Squadron was formerly Detachment "A", Marine Wing Support Group 37 and was formed on 1 July 1977. Marine Wing Support Squadron 372 was activated on June 1986 at Camp Pendleton, California, with 2 officers and 97 enlisted Marines. Today, the Squadron T/O has grown to 35 officers and 619 enlisted with 418 combat reportable equipment items.

Over the years, MWSS-372 has been tasked with various missions and projects in support of Marine Aircraft Group 39, Marine Aircraft Group 46 (Detachment "A"), Marine Air Control Group 38, 1st Marine Division, 1st Force Service Support Group, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Marine Corps Air Stations (MCAS) Camp Pendleton, Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, Marine Corps Air Station Tustin, Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, and Marine Corps Air Station Yuma.

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