Divers Life Support System Parts

End item NSN parts
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Part Number
A-A-55302 Socks
A-A-55302 Socks
A-A-55302 Socks
MIL-S-405 Socks
MIL-S-405 Socks
MIL-S-405 Socks

Divers Life Support System

Picture of Divers Life Support System

Canadian Forces diving is performed by units of the maritime, land, and air environmental commands (ECs), the Experimental Diving and Undersea Group (EDU Grp), and Special Operations Forces (SOF). Divers can be trained as Clearance Divers (CL Diver), Search and Rescue Technicians (SAR), Port Inspection Divers (PID), Ship's Team Divers, and Combat Divers.

Clearance divers use the Canadian Clearance Diving Apparatus V2 (CCDA V2) and Canadian Underwater Mine Apparatus V2 (CUMA V2) rebreather breathing apparatus.

Canada currently has two operational units from which Navy Clearance Diving Officers, Clearance Divers and Port Inspection Divers perform a variety of core capabilities, as outlined in their Naval Diving Operational Concept of Employment (ND OCE) terms of reference. These core capabilities are:

They also perform a number of secondary or support functions to these core capabilities include but are not limited to:

The two operational naval diving units are:

Clearance Divers are considered among the most skilled underwater operators in the world. Their motto is "Strength in depth".

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