MIL-B-16541 {lang[spec-std]}

صفحة 11 of 38
NSN 4730-01-183-2493 Sediment Strainer

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-b-16541 mil spec single material response body

NSN 5330-01-182-7718 Packing Retainer

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-b-16541 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 4320-01-181-0150 Dirt And Liquid Deflector

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-b-16541 mil spec single material response

NSN 4730-01-180-6052 Tube Coupling

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-b-16541 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 4730-01-180-0891 Tube Coupling

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-b-16541 mil spec 1st material response overall

NSN 3940-01-172-6006 Hoisting Adapter

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-b-16541 mil spec single material response

NSN 4820-01-162-7118 Valve Body

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-b-16541,gra mil spec single material response

NSN 5330-01-162-4768 Packing Retainer

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-b-16541 mil spec single material response overall or astm b61 assn std single material response overall

NSN 3120-01-161-9136 Sleeve Bushing

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-b-16541 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5330-01-161-2521 Packing Retainer

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-b-16541 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 3020-01-159-9796 Helical Gear

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-b-16541 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 4730-01-159-4172 Pipe Flange

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-b-16541 mil spec single material response

NSN 4820-01-158-8443 Valve Seat

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-b-16541 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 3020-01-158-4087 Worm Wheel Gear

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-b-16541 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 4730-01-157-3629 Sediment Strainer

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-b-16541 mil spec single material response body

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