Mil-c-5541 mil spec single treatment response overall
Mil-c-5541 mil spec single treatment response overall
Mil-c-5541,cl 3 mil spec single treatment response overall
Finsih: chem film iaw mil-c-5541, cl 1a. Paint using urethane enamel, green 383, color chip 34094 iaw fed-std-595. Primer to consist of polyurethane compatible epoxy polyamide primer iaw mil-prf-85285. Application of paint iaw mil-f-14072.
Mil-c-5541 d iridite no. 14 (gold) mil spec single treatment response overall
Mil-c-5541 mil spec single treatment response overall
Mil-c-5541,class 1a mil spec all treatment responses overall
Mil-c-5541,class 1a mil spec single treatment response overall
Impedance: 50 ohms; isolation: 20db; body material: aluminum coated in accordance w/mil-c-5541; connectors: in accordance w/mil-prf-39012
Mil-c-5541, class 1a mil spec single treatment response