MIL-C-81562 {lang[spec-std]}

صفحة 18 of 21
NSN 4730-00-954-6039 Pipe To Tube Straight Adapter

مواصفات المواد:

J514 assn std single treatment response overall and mil-c-81562, ty 1, cl 3 mil spec single treatment response overall

NSN 5305-00-954-4295 Machine Screw

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-p-416,ty 2,cl 3 fed spec single treatment response or mil-c-81562,ty 2,cl 3 mil spec single treatment response

NSN 5305-00-954-3487 Machine Screw

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-p-416,ty 2,cl 3 fed spec single treatment response or mil-c-81562,ty 2,cl 3 mil spec single treatment response

NSN 5305-00-954-2728 Machine Screw

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-p-416,type 2 class 3 fed spec single treatment response or mil-c-81562,type 2 class 3 mil spec single treatment response

NSN 5306-00-951-5700 Square Neck Bolt

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-z-325,type 2 class 3 fed spec single treatment response overall or mil-c-81562,type 2 class 3 mil spec single treatment response overall

NSN 5306-00-911-5005 Square Neck Bolt

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-z-325,type 2 class 3 fed spec single treatment response overall or mil-c-81562,type 2 class 3 mil spec single treatment response overall

NSN 5305-00-903-3250 Wood Screw

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-p-416 ty 2 cl 3 fed spec 1st treatment response overall or qq-z-325 ty 2 cl 3 fed spec 2nd treatment response overall or mil-c-81562 ty 2 cl 3 mil spec 3rd treatment response overall

NSN 5305-00-901-2633 Wood Screw

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-z-325,type 2 class 3 fed spec single treatment response overall or mil-c-81562,type 2 class 3 mil spec single treatment response overall

NSN 5306-00-852-7068 Square Neck Bolt

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-z-325,type 2 class 3 fed spec single treatment response overall or mil-c-81562,type 2 class 3 mil spec single treatment response overall

NSN 4730-00-849-7155 Tube Nipple

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-c-81562,type 1,class 3 mil spec single treatment response overall

NSN 4730-00-836-3498 Pipe To Tube Straight Adapter

مواصفات المواد:

J514 assn std single treatment response overall and mil-c-81562, ty 1, cl 3 mil spec single treatment response overall

NSN 4730-00-815-3439 Pipe To Tube Tee

مواصفات المواد:

J514 assn std single treatment response overall and mil-c-81562, ty l, cl 3 mil spec single treatment response overall

NSN 4730-00-812-8003 Tube Tee

مواصفات المواد:

J514 assn std single treatment response overall and mil-c-81562, ty 1, cl 3 mil spec single treatment response overall

NSN 4730-00-812-0882 Boss Nipple

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-p-416,ty 2,cl 2 fed spec 1st treatment response overall or mil-c-81562,ty 2 mil spec 2nd treatment response overall

NSN 4730-00-756-1894 Pipe To Tube Elbow

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-c-81562,type 1,class 3 mil spec single treatment response overall

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