MIL-C-81562 {lang[spec-std]}

صفحة 3 of 21
NSN 5306-01-383-6151 Internal Wrenching Bolt

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-p-416 fed spec 1st treatment response overall or mil-c-81562, type ii, cl 3 mil spec 2nd treatment response overall

NSN 5306-01-383-5981 Internal Wrenching Bolt

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-p-416 fed spec 1st treatment response overall or mil-c-81562, type ii, class 3 mil spec 2nd treatment response overall

NSN 5310-01-382-8150 Flat Washer

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-c-81562, type 2, class 3 mil spec single treatment response overall

NSN 5305-01-382-7474 Thumbscrew

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-p-416, type 2, class3 fed spec all treatment responses overall and mil-c-81562, type 2, class 3 mil spec all treatment responses overall

NSN 5310-01-374-3238 Spring Tension Washer

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-p-416,ty 2,cl 3 fed spec single treatment response overall or mil-c-81562,ty 2,cl 2 mil spec single treatment response overall

NSN 5310-01-369-9372 Spring Tension Washer

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-p-416,ty 2,cl 2 fed spec single treatment response overall or mil-c-81562,ty 2,cl 2 mil spec single treatment response overall

NSN 4730-01-360-7072 Pipe To Tube Straight Adapter

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-c-81562,type i class 3 mil spec single treatment response overall

NSN 5310-01-360-4766 Spring Tension Washer

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-p-416,ty 2,cl 2 fed spec single treatment response overall or mil-c-81562,ty 2,cl 2 mil spec single treatment response overall

NSN 5310-01-341-4753 Spring Tension Washer

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-p-416,type 2,cl 2 fed spec single treatment response overall or mil-c-81562,type 2 cl 2 mil spec single treatment response overall

NSN 5305-01-338-0383 Wood Screw

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-p-416 ty 2,cl 3 fed spec 1st treatment response overall or mil-c-81562 ty 2,cl 3 mil spec 1st treatment response overall or astm b633 ty 2,cl fe/zn 5 assn std 2nd treatment response overall

NSN 5315-01-328-3888 Headless Straight Pin

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-p-416 fed spec single treatment response overall or mil-c-81562 mil spec single treatment response overall

NSN 5305-01-317-0409 Wood Screw

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-p-416 ty 2 cl 3 fed spec single treatment response overall or mil-c-81562 mil spec 1st treatment response overall or astm b633 ty 2 cl 3 assn std 2nd treatment response overall

NSN 5305-01-315-9882 Wood Screw

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-p-416 ty 2 cl 3 fed spec 1st treatment response overall or mil-c-81562 mil spec 1st treatment response overall or astm b633 ty 2 cl 3 assn std 2nd treatment response overall

NSN 5305-01-315-9512 Wood Screw

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-p-416 ty 2 cl 3 fed spec 1st treatment response overall or mil-c-81562 mil spec 1st treatment response overall or astm b633 ty 2 cl 3 assn std 2nd treatment response overall

NSN 5305-01-309-8960 Machine Screw

مواصفات المواد:

Qq-p-416 ty 2,cl 3 fed spec single treatment response or mil-c-81562 ty 2,cl 3 mil spec single treatment response

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