MIL-S-5626 Nuts and Washers

صفحة 4 of 13
NSN 5310-01-216-3696 Spring Tension Washer

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-5626, cond f mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-5000, cond f mil spec 2nd material response overall

NSN 5310-01-194-8488 Hexago Extended Washer Plain Nut

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-5626 cond 3 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-01-191-7508 Hexago Extended Washer Plain Nut

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-5626,cond 3c mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-01-191-7507 Hexago Extended Washer Plain Nut

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-5626,cond 3c mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-01-182-6612 Round Self-locking Nut

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-5626 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-01-175-0626 Flat Washer

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-5626 mil spec 1st material response overall or ams 6382 assn std 1st material response overall or mil-s-6049,cond c mil spec 2nd material response overall or ams 6322 assn std 2nd material response overall or ams5122 assn std 3rd material response overall

NSN 5310-01-165-6967 Round Self-locking Nut

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-5626, cond a mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-01-165-2110 Round Self-locking Nut

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-5626, cond a mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-01-151-1446 Recessed Washer

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-5626 mil spec single material response overall and mil-s-6049 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-01-142-7767 Flat Washer

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-5626 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-01-131-2258 Flat Washer

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-5626 mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-5000 mil spec 2nd material response overall

NSN 5310-01-126-4753 Flat Washer

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-5626 mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-5000 mil spec 2nd material response overall

NSN 5310-01-116-5452 Assembled Washe Self-locking Nut

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-5626 mil spec 1st material response nut or mil-s-5000 mil spec 2nd material response nut or mil-s-6049 mil spec 3rd material response nut

NSN 5310-01-115-7232 Flat Washer

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-5626 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-01-114-5174 Assembled Washe Self-locking Nut

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-5626 mil spec 1st material response nut or mil-s-5000 mil spec 2nd material response nut or mil-s-6049 mil spec 3rd material response nut

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