MIL-S-890 {lang[spec-std]}

صفحة 44 of 83
NSN 5120-00-293-2435 Socket Wrench

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890,class an mil spec single material response overall

NSN 2825-00-293-1588 Dirt And Liquid Deflector

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890, class c mil spec single material response

NSN 2825-00-293-0829 Dirt And Liquid Deflector

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890, class an mil spec single material response

NSN 5120-00-293-0602 Spanner Wrench

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890 class bs mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5305-00-292-7633 Setscrew

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5305-00-292-7632 Setscrew

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890,cl bs mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5315-00-292-3554 Headless Straight Pin

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890,cl os mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5315-00-291-8152 Headless Shoulder Pin

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890,class c mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5315-00-290-6270 Headless Shoulder Pin

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890,alloy no.3 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 3020-00-289-9570 Helical Gear

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890,alloy no. 1 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 3020-00-289-7963 Helical Gear

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890,alloy no. 2 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 3020-00-289-7960 Helical Gear

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890,alloy no. 3 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 3020-00-289-7912 Sprocket Wheel

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890 mil spec single material response

NSN 3020-00-289-7734 Spur Gear

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890,alloy 3 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 4730-00-289-6221 Pipe Plug

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890,cl bs mil spec single material response overall

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