MIL-S-890 {lang[spec-std]}

صفحة 6 of 83
NSN 3010-01-199-1933 Rigid Shaft Coupling

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890, alloy no. 2 mil spec single material response

NSN 3040-01-198-5700 Shaft Collar

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890, alloy no. 2 mil spec single material response

NSN 3040-01-196-1227 Shouldered Shaft

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890 alloy no. 2 mil spec single material response

NSN 3120-01-194-8538 Thrust Washer Bearing

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890,cl bs mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5365-01-193-2946 Ring Spacer

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890,class an mil spec single material response

NSN 5315-01-192-6421 Headless Straight Pin

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890,cl an mil spec single material response overall

NSN 4730-01-192-5853 Flange To Pipe Straight Adapter

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890,cl c mil spec single material response overall

NSN 3040-01-192-4463 Shaft Collar

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890, class c mil spec single material response

NSN 3020-01-192-3682 Bevel Gear

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890,class b mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5315-01-191-7599 Headless Grooved Pin

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5330-01-191-3186 Packing Retainer

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890 cl 8 mil spec 1st material response overall or astm a105 grade 2 siliconized assn std 2nd material response overall

NSN 3120-01-190-4148 Thrust Washer Bearing

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 3120-01-190-4147 Thrust Washer Bearing

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890,cl bs mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5330-01-185-4696 Packing Retainer

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890,cl b mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5330-01-185-2250 Packing Retainer

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-s-890 mil spec 1st material response overall

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