MIL-STD-417 Bushings, Rings, Shims and Spacers

صفحة 4 of 9
NSN 5365-00-732-8323 Nonmetallic Bushing

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-std-417, type s, class sc, grade sc512be mil std single material response

NSN 5365-00-721-7554 Nonmetallic Bushing

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-std-417, type s, class sc, grade sc515a1b1c1e3e5f2gm mil std single material response

NSN 5365-00-720-5796 Nonmetallic Bushing

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-std-417, type s, class sc, grade sc515a1b1c1e3e5f2gm mil std single material response

NSN 5365-00-705-6626 Nonmetallic Bushing

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-std-417, type r, class rs, grade rs710abf mil std all material responses

NSN 5365-00-705-6622 Nonmetallic Bushing

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-std-417, type r, class rs, grade rs710abf mil std all material responses

NSN 5365-00-696-0372 Nonmetallic Bushing

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-std-417, type r, class rs, grade rs600b mil std all material responses

NSN 5365-00-695-8982 Nonmetallic Bushing

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-std-417, type r, class rs, grade rs509abf mil std all material responses

NSN 5365-00-685-6227 Nonmetallic Bushing

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-std-417, type s, class sc, grade sc515a1b1c1e3e5f2gm mil std single material response

NSN 5365-00-685-0030 Nonmetallic Bushing

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-std-417, type s, class sc, grade sc608 mil std single material response

NSN 5365-00-682-1427 Nonmetallic Bushing

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-std-417, type s, class sc, grade sc515a1b1c1e3e5f2gm mil std single material response

NSN 5365-00-681-6081 Nonmetallic Bushing

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-std-417, type s, class sc, grade sc515a1b1c1e3e5f2gm mil std single material response

NSN 5365-00-681-6079 Nonmetallic Bushing

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-std-417, type s, class sc, grade sc515a1b1c1e3e5f2gm mil std single material response

NSN 5365-00-679-4578 Nonmetallic Bushing

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-std-417, type r, class rn, grade rn620ac1f2n mil std single material response

NSN 5365-00-679-3728 Nonmetallic Bushing

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-std-417, type s, class sc, grade sc612 mil std single material response

NSN 5365-00-673-3220 Nonmetallic Bushing

مواصفات المواد:

Mil-std-417, type r, class rs, grade rs515abf mil std single material response

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