A recording of the physical,functional,and performance characteristics for an item of supply.TEXT
General Description:
21 in. Id, 29.2858 in. Od, 2.625 in. W, spur typegear, 145 teeth, 20 degrees pressure angle, 5/7 diametralpitch, 0.3062 in. Circular tooth thk, 29 in. Pitch dia24.875 in. Pitch diameter of bearing, 1.250 in. Ball dia54 min 56 maximum no. Of balls, 18 mtg holes 0.687 in. Diaon 22.250 in. Diameter bolt circle located in inner ring18 mtg holes 0.687 in. Diameter on 27.500 in. Diameter bolt circlelocated in outer ring, mtg holes counterbored 0.968 in.Dia 0.688 in. Deep