رقم الجزء
A measurement of the longest dimension of the first leg, in distinction from width.ADLK
First Leg Length:
2.250 inches
A measurement of the longest dimension of the second leg, in distinction from width.ADLL
Second Leg Length:
3.000 inches
Second Leg Width:
3.240 inches
First Leg Slot Length:
1.500 inches
First Leg Slot Width:
0.375 inches
A measurement of the smallest dimension of the first leg,in distinction from length or width.AHPW
First Leg Thickness:
0.190 inches
A measurement of the smallest dimension of the second leg,in distinction from length or width.AHPX
Second Leg Thickness:
0.190 inches
First Leg Width:
3.250 inches
First Leg End Width:
2.490 inches
First Leg Distance From Edge To Hole Center Along Width:
0.500 inches
First Leg Distance From Edge To Hole Center Along Length:
1.620 inches
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of the first leg.AJZU
First Leg Style:
Chamfered ends
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the arrangement of the first leg holes.AKAU
First Leg Hole Arrangement Style:
One slot
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of the second leg.AKBU
Second Leg Style:
Cut out
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the arrangement of the second leg holes.AKCU
Second Leg Hole Arrangement Style:
No hole
Those features,not otherwise specified,which may be required for proper functioning of the item.CBBL
Features Provided:
Notched slide
An indication of whether or not the second leg is identical to the first leg.CSSP
Second Leg Relationship To First Leg:
Not identical
First Leg Angle:
0.250 radians
Second Leg Cutout Length:
2.250 inches
Second Leg Cutout Width:
0.625 inches
First Leg Chamfer Angle:
Between 40.0 degrees and 50.0 degrees
The chemical compound or mechanical mixture properties of which the item is fabricated.MATT
Steel comp 1015 or steel comp 1016 or steel comp 1017 or steel comp 1018 or steel comp 1019 or steel comp 1020 or steel comp 1021 or steel comp 1022 or steel comp 1023 or steel comp 1025
The specification,standard,or manufacturers reference,and the classification designation,such as class,condition,temper,and the like,that identifies the material.MDCL
Material Specification:
Astm a108 assn standard single material response
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of the item.STYL
Style Designator: