معلومات الجزء
Cam has two lobes, each beginning from a radius of 0.875 in to a peak radius of 1.000 in, from 297.0 degrees through 7.0 degrees for a total of 70.0 degrees duration of the first lobe, and 144.0 degrees through 247.0 degrees for a total of 103.0 degrees duration for the second lobe; 1.000 in opening through center; three 0.173 in diameter holes with 0.375 in by 0.070 in deep counterbore are spaced equal distance around surface of 1.500 in diameter hub; three more holes, 0.128 in diameter by 0.090 in deep are located on face of first lobe, centered on a 1.250 in circle, the first two holes are positioned at 45.0 degrees angles to the left and right of 0.0 degrees with the third hole located at 180.0 deg