رقم الجزء
معلومات الجزء
Consists of gaskets; 5330-00-352-7740 2; 5365-00-247-6875 1; 5365-00-426-5233 1; 5330-00-297-6548 2; 5330-00-712-3250 1; 5330-00-844-6907 1; 5330-00-641-7914 1; 5330-00-714-3666 1; packings; 5330-00-920-6924 1; 5365-00-074-3608 6; 5330-00-551-9118 6; 5330-00-633-4535 1; 5330-00-286-7294 1; 5330-00-850-9124 2; 5330-00-893-7271 2; 5330-00-828-9787 1; 5330-00-962-4570 1; 5330-00-948-6068 2; 5330-00-198-6169 6; washer 5330-00-893-8335 6; seals; 2815-00-898-6667 1; 5330-00-927-7039 2; 2990-00-858-6201 1; 5330-00-847-1088 1; 5330-00-618-6024 19; 2910-00-333-5032 6; 5330-00-663-4395 2; 2815-00-090-8363 1; cutter pins; 5315-00-999-8404 12; 5315-00-010-3389 14; 5330-00-074-3594 1; 5310-00-194-0875 2
Diesel Engine Parts Kit
The national stock number or the identification information of the end equipment for which the item is a part.AGAV
End Application:
Model d318
The number of components included in the item.AJJW
Component Quantity:
The originator /governmental,industrial,or otherwise/ of the available document which lists the component/s/ of the item.AJJX
Component Document Origin:
The commercial and government entity (cage) code of the government agency,industrial organization,or other source,which controls the document.AJJY
Document Source:
Indicates the type of document by the title.AJJZ
Document Type:
Packing list
A listing of those major components which are comprised of a national stock number,an item name,standardized name,or part name,and the number of each.AJKC
Supply Items And Quantities:
Gaskets; 5330-00-188-4233 1; 5330-00-923-6962 1; 5330-00-923-6967 2; 5330-00-074-3609 1; 5330-00-074-3585 6; 5330-00-567-0024 4; 5330-00-916-1757 1; 5330-00-923-6965 1; 5330-00-945-2110 6; 5330-00-945-2167 6; 5310-00-171-4122 1; 5365-00-423-8884 1; 5330-00-190-4252 1; 5330-00-846-9737 1; 5330-00-923-6986 2; 5330-00-923-6985 1; 5330-00-884-9414 2; 5330-00-893-6556 1; 5330-920-6922 3; 5330-00-411-4423 2; 5365-00-197-5335 1; 5330-00-893-7273 1; 5330-00-947-3697 1; 5330-00-074-3606 1; 5330-00-898-6697 1; 5330-00-074-3604 1; 5330-00-898-6696 1; 5330-00-843-7101 1; 5330-00-074-3605 1; 5330-00-948-6116 1; 5330-00-922-6227 2; 5365-00-688-1524 1; 5330-00-074-3599 1; 5330-00-848-7194 1; 5310-00-074-3834 6; 5330-00-074-3600 1; 5330-00-074-3602 1; 5330-00-074-3603 1; 5330-00-999-8358 1; 5330-00-923-6973 1; 5330-00-893-5251 1; 5330-00-893-5250 1; 5330-00-898-6711 1; 5330-00-084-7503 1; 5330-00-251-0493 1, 5330-00-074-3590 1; 5330-00-945-0960 1; 5330-00-919-2239 1; 5330-00-923-6971 1; 5330-00-948-6125 1
A listing of those major components,outside the scope of an item of supply to be cataloged,as indicated by the name of the manufacturer,and the name and number of the item as identified by the manufacturer,and the number of each.AJKD
Nonsupply Items And Quantities:
11083 1m5916 gasket 1, 11083 7b2124 seal 12, 11083 9m6078 seal 1
The commercial and government entity (cage) code of the government agency,industrial organization,or other source,which controls or manufactures the end item.AJKE
End Item Source:
The number or symbol/s/ used to identify the document.AYDR
Document Identification:
The approved item name or part name of the end equipment for which the item is a part.AYDS
End Item Name:
Diesel engine