A recording of the physical,functional,and performance characteristics for an item of supply.TEXT
General Description:
The function of the forward section assembly (fsa) is to detect the scene of the terrain in the flight path as an infrared image & to transform that image into a video image to the pilot so he can see the terrain. The fsa is made up of the optical & electronic eqpt rqrd to accomplish this function. C/o risley snap lock assembly, afocal lens assembly, scanner assembly, optical imager, focusing assembly, detector cooler assembly, electrical eqpt chassis, dual 45-channel amplifier eca, 90-channel mux/dual spectrum processor eca, i/p frame memory eca, i/p memory control eca, scan converterprocessor v/o eca, gain & median procsr eca, o/p memory eca, o/p sync eca, intensity mapper & line buffer eca