معلومات الجزء
Harpoon operator display (hod); electrical: operates from power systems that have 115 vac porm 7 pct, 50/60 hz porm 3 pct, single phase, (2 phases of 3 phase delta), porm 20 pct volt transients, porm 5.5 pct freq. Transients, 1000 v peak and 100 millisec. Power interruption; display: flat panel, 20.1 diagonal min. Viewing area, min. 256 color/64 gray levels, 1280 x 1024 resolution, min. Porm 45 degrees viewing angle horiz/vert., min 3: 1 contrast ratio; processor: 16mb ram, vendor selectable, ethernet lan interface, 2mb vram; designed for local booting and ability to update the flash memory via the lan