معلومات الجزء
Program storage capacity for maximum of 100 instrument setups; each location can be named with a 29-character alphanumeric name; trace storage up to 20 traces can be stored with date and time of capture for recall at a later time; power 7 pin connector to charge internal batteries and operate the instrument from ac power; probe connector 11 pin fischer; rs-232 db-9p connector for bi-directional serial data via rs-232 links to external computers, terminals or printers; gain range m10 to 50 db; analog output voltage signals porm 5 volts, porm 5 volt adjustable offset; output impedance 1000 min external load; positive or negative alarm gate operation; alarm output 0v to p3v hc logic output, switchable audible alarm and front panel annunciator, alarm indicator on sensor is standard; alarm output update rate 5 to 100 times/second