معلومات الجزء
Two types of programming: remote through the hp-ib interface or programs can be downloaded from a computer and controlled through front panel switches. Included is a 50 kybyte battery-backed ram. Frequency sweep time 20 ms to 100sec.At p/m 3 pct accuracy. Sweep triggers: free running, single, line, video and external. Resolution bandwith is 1 khz to 3 mhz at 3 db reference points. Video bandwith range: 1 hz to 1mhz. Maximun input p30 dbm (1 w). Dc maximum is 25vdc. Display range: log scale is 0 to m70 db eight division display. Scale units are dbm, dbmv, dbuv, v, and w. Reference level accuracy is p/m0.3db at m20 dbm. Frequency is p/m1.0db at midrange of display frequency. Opt: 004 precision frequency reference. Opt: 021 hp-ib interface. Opt: 909 rack mount with handles. Voltage requirements are 86 to 127, 195 to 250v rms or 103 to 126v rms at 400hz. Weight 32 lbs