رقم الجزء
The process used in manufacturing the item.AARN
Fabrication Method:
Hot rolled
An overall measurement taken at right angles to the length of an item,in distinction from thickness.ABMK
Overall Width:
10.000 inches
A measurement of the longest dimension of any object,in distinction from width.ABRY
Between 20.000 feet and 40.000 feet
Left Side Flange Height:
5.750 inches
Right Side Flange Height:
5.750 inches
Left Side Flange Thickness:
0.375 inches
Right Side Flange Thickness:
0.375 inches
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the basic appearance of the item.AGTA
Basic Shape Style:
H shape
Left Side Top Flange Distance To Center Of Both Flanges:
2.875 inches
Left Side Bottom Flange Distance To Center Of Both Flanges:
2.875 inches
Right Side Top Flange Distance To Center Of Both Flanges:
2.875 inches
Right Side Bottom Flange Distance To Center Of Both Flanges:
2.875 inches
Fillet Radius Where Top Left Flange Joins Web Flange/leg:
0.300 inches
Fillet Radius Where Bottom Left Flange Joins Web Flange/leg:
0.300 inches
Fillet Radius Where Top Right Flange Joins Web Flange/leg:
0.300 inches
Fillet Radius Where Bottom Right Flange Joins Web Flange/leg:
0.300 inches
Web Flange Thickness:
0.250 inches
The weight of the item with respect to a unit of measure.BRFD
Weight Per Unit Measure:
25.000 pounds per linear foot
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of the first tip.CMZY
First Tip Style:
Square end
An indication of whether or not the second tip is identical to the first tip.CNQJ
Second Tip Relationship To First Tip:
An indication of whether or not the third tip is identical to the preceding tips.CNQL
Third Tip Relationship To Preceding Tips:
Identical w/first tip
An indication of whether or not the fourth tip is identical to the preceding tips.CNQN
Fourth Tip Relationship To Preceding Tips:
Identical w/first tip
Right Top Inside Angle:
90.0 degrees
Left Top Inside Angle:
90.0 degrees
Left Bottom Inside Angle:
90.0 degrees
Right Bottom Inside Angle:
90.0 degrees
A combination of timed heating and cooling operations applied for the purpose of annealing or hardening the item.HEAT
Heat Treatment:
As fabricated
The element,compound,or mixture of which an item is fabricated,excluding any surface treatment.MATL
Steel, mil-s-22698, grade a
The chemical compound or mechanical mixture properties of which the item is fabricated.MATT
Steel, mil-s-22698, grade a
The number,letter,or symbol that indicates the type,style,grade,class,and the like,of an item in a nonidentifying specification or standard.ZZZT
Specification Or Standard:
Grade a