Items furnished as accessories which are not specified elsewhere.AFJH
Furnished Items:
Battery box, case surveying equipment, hood, light concealing, illuminator, surveying target, w/reflector, lamp, battery box, target, surveying, traverse, tribranch assembly-to be modified in accordance with ordnance drawings 10101814 and 10102202 revb, tripod, surveying, cable assembly, lamp assembly, hand
The name of the government agency or commercial organization that controls the manufacture of the accessory item.AKVY
Accessory Controlling Agency:
0wild heerbrugg instr inc, wild heebrugg instr inc, ordnance drawing, wild heerbrugg instr inc, wild heerbrugg instr inc, wild heerbrugg instr inc, wild heerbrugg instr inc, wild heerbrugg instr inc, wild heerbrugg instr inc, wild heerbrugg instr inc