رقم الجزء
Practice Guided Bomb
The nominal distance measured in a straight line from the bottom to the top,and the type of package.CTHR
Package Nominalheight And Type:
29.16 inches shipping container
The nominal dimension measured along the longitudinal axis with terminated points at the extreme ends,and the type of package.CTJT
Package Nominallength And Type:
156.36 inches shipping container
The nominal overall measurement taken at right angles to the length of the package,in distinction from thickness,and the type of package.CTKG
Package Nominalwidth And Type:
32.28 inches shipping container
The combined weight of the item and its loaded contents.GRWT
Gross Weight:
1673.0 shipping container pounds
A recording of the physical,functional,and performance characteristics for an item of supply.TEXT
General Description:
Walleye i television practice captive guided weapon, phase i command data link w/channel c data link, c/o guidance section mk 71 mod 0, 1, or 2, control section mk170 mod 1, warhead section mk9 mod 1 inert w/concrete ballast, 136.00 in. Lg, 15.00 in. Dia., pkg 1 per mk426-0 s-s cntr
The technical differentiating characteristic/s/ of an item of supply which depart/s/ from the text of a specification or a standard in that it represents a selection of characteristics stated in the specification or standard as being optional,or a variation from one or more of the stated characteristics,or an additional characteristic not stated in the specification or standard.ZZZW
Departure From Cited Document:
Dod code 1325-e028