معلومات الجزء
Tconsists of 2 plug-in unit; the rf unit designated th 221 and the sweep generator unit designated sg 221 and a high impedance probe; both units designed to plug into a tektronix 560 series oscilloscope, converting the oscope into a complete high frequency spectrum analyzer; the sawtooth output of the sweep generator is utilized to provide a signal for sweeping the rf unit; all power is supplied to the plug-ins by the oscope; freq range 600 kilohertz to 36 megahertz; range of fixed scan widths, from .01 to 1 kc/cm are selectable at front panel in addition to a variable position having a maximum scan width of 10 kc/cm; 9 sweep rate positions ranging from .1 cps to 50 sec per sweep; attenuator provides 51 db of attenuation in 1 db steps