Product P/N RA2318-3 DWG: RA2318-3 Rev. -, dtd. 7/29/91 or later FAA approved revision
وصف: Middle Spacer
product نماذج
- SA26-T
- SA26-AT
- SA226-TC each with Hartzell 3 Blade Props.
- SA26-T with Hartzell 4 Blade Props.
- SA26-T and SA226-TC with Dowty Rotol 4 Blade Props.
All applicable aircraft models:
Fairchild Aircraft (SA26-T, SA26-AT, SA226-TC each with Hartzell 3 Blade Props., SA26-T with Hartzell 4 Blade Props., SA26-T and SA226-TC with Dowty Rotol 4 Blade Props.)